Time: 2:00 hours Maximum
Marks: 25
Attempt all questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
- Write short notes on any two: 2 ½ * 2
a) Ethics
in marketing research
b) Detective
Funnel & Market Research Design
c) Errors
in Research Design
d) Observation
- Explain the techniques of (i) Devil’s advocate (ii) Chain Reaction and (iii) False Termination used by a moderator in a FGD. 5
Discuss the uses, benefits and limitations
of secondary data. 2+1+2
- What is the relationship between exploratory and descriptive research design? 5
Discuss the survey methods used in
marketing research. Enumerate the advantage
of survey methods. 2 ½ + 2 ½
- What are the key qualifications of focus group moderator and why focus group is the most popular qualitative research technique? 3 + 2
the steps in the marketing research process. 5
- Describe different kinds of projective techniques used in qualitative research. 5
a comparative analysis of focus group discussion, and projective
techniques. If the objective of researcher is discovering
innovative information from respondent, according to you, which research
technique is most suitable? 4+1
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