Question Paper 2009
1. 1.“Economic growth cannot be treated as an end in itself. Development has to be more concerned with enhancing the quality of life we lead and the freedom we enjoy.”Discuss. 10
2. 2. Discuss the structural characteristics common to developing countries. 10
3 3.(a) ‘Generation of new ideas requires protection of intellectual property rights’. Comment. 5
(b) ‘The neo-classical growth models provide a starting point for the endogenous growth theory.’ Discuss 5
4. 4.Do you think that the path of development via shortages is more competing for investment than the path of development via excess capacity? 10
5. 5.Outline the factors which affect the ability and willingness to save. 10
6. 6.‘Choices of an optimum combination between the markets and the state is most fundamental to the design for development.’ Discuss 10
7. 7.(a) ‘The traditional trade theory overstates the benefits of trade on per capita incomes and economic growth.’ Do you agree? 5
(b) ‘Import substitution Industrialization is an example of Listian Trap.’ Comment. 5
8. 8.Write short notes on any two:
(i) Human Development Index
(ii) Complementarities v/s Externalities
(iii) Costs and benefits of higher education in developing countries
(iv) Role of women’s education in economic development
Question Paper 2008
1. 1.(a) In the Solow Model sustained growth occurs only in presence of technological progress. Discuss. 5
(b) What happens to the growth rate of output per capital when an increase in investment takes place? 5
2. 2.(a) Positive growth in Total Factor Productivity is a way to quantify technical progress. Explain. 6
(b) Complementarities lead to the existence of multiple equilibrium. Comment. 4
3. 3.(a) Economics of ideas is intimately tied to the presence of increasing return to scale and imperfect competition. Comment. 5
(b) Long run growth in Romer model is determined by parameters of production function for ideas and population growth rate. Discuss. 5
4. 4.(a) How is child labour a case of Bad Equilibrium? 5
(b) The inexorable attraction of ever higher levels of education in developing countries is a costly proposition. Explain. 5
5. 5.Keynesian theory specifies independent savings and investment functions and inflation is the means by which resources are redistributed between consumption and investment. Explain. 10
6. 6.(a) How does trade act as a mechanism of international inequality? 5
(b) Under what conditions of the domestic economy is the stimulating force of the trade likely to be stronger? 5
7. 7.(a) What do you understand by market failure 5
(b) How does infant industry argument lead to Listian Trap? 5
8. 8.Write short notes on any two:
i) Lewis dual sector model of development
ii) Unconditional convergence
iii) Outward oriented trade policies
iv) Balanced growth vs. Unbalanced growth 5*2
Question Paper 2007
1. 1.What are the implications of introducing Human Capital as another input in the Solow model? 10
Briefly discuss the concept of Unconditional and conditional convergence in the context Solow model.
2. 2.(a) How does the use of child labour lead to a case of Bad equilibrium. 5
(b) How can we remove child labour? 5
3. 3. (a) What conditions prevail in least developed countries with regards to employment and education? 6
(b) What are the consequences of gender bias in education? 4
4. 4.(a) The argument for balanced growth approach depends upon conditions of demand and supply in the economy. Comment. 6
(b) What are the inherent dangers of unbalanced growth model? 4
5. 5.(a) Financial liberalisation does not give desired result s as regards to savings, investment and growth. Evaluate. 6
(b) What conditions are required to undertake successful financial liberalisation? 4
6. 6.(a) Trade acts as mechanism of International inequality. Evaluate. 4
(b) Growth performance under Export Push model has proved to be stable and efficient. Discuss. 6
7. 7.(a) Briefly discuss the concept of market failure and government failure. 5
(b) Structural adjustment facilities do not always leads to desired result. Explain. 5
8. 8. Write short notes on any two:
i) Harrod Domar growth model
ii) Listian Trap
iii) Human Development Index 5*2
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