optional Group (ii) Marketing Research / B.A. (Hons) VIth Semester Exam.
Attempt any four questions. All questions carry equal marks.
- Write short notes on any two: 2 ½ * 5
a) Differentiate between Exploratory and Descriptive Research Design
b) DSS & MIS
c) Ethics in marketing research
d) Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research
e) Secondary Data-benefits & limitations
- Explain the techniques of (i) Devil’s advocate (ii) Chain Reaction and (iii) False Termination used by a moderator in a FGD. Compare the techniques of Group Discussion and Projective Techniques. 3 + 2
- Describe the steps in the marketing research process. 5
- What is the relationship between exploratory and descriptive research design? 5
- What are the key qualifications of focus group moderator and why focus group is the most popular qualitative research technique? 2 ½ + 2 ½
- Describe different kinds of projective techniques used in qualitative research. 5
- Present a comparative analysis of focus group discussion, depth interview and projective techniques. If the objective of researcher is discovering innovative information from respondent, according to you, which research technique is most suitable? 4+1
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