Monday, September 27, 2010

Qestion Paper (Industrial Economics)

Maharaja Agrasen College
Dept of Business Economics
Industrial Economics


Time: 1 Hours Maximum Mark: 30

Attempt any three questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Outline the component of simple S-C-P model. How did linear S-C-P model differ from interactive Structure Conduct Performance framework? 5 + 5

2. Write short notes on any two: 5 + 5

a) Chicago School of Thought

b) Market Concentration

c) HHI

3. Briefly discuss various measures of market concentration. What are the Hannah and Kay criteria to measure market concentration? 5 + 5

4. What is Lorenz Curve? How does it measure market inequality? 5 + 5

5. Calculate the C4 and C8 from given data below in percentage terms 5 + 5

(Share of firm’s production in total output)

1 1 2 2 2 2 5 5 40 10 10 20

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