Saturday, January 21, 2012

UNIT 1 Structure of Lecture

1.Introduction to environmental economics
2.Evolution of environment economics
3.Issues in environmental economics
Concept of sustainable development
Poverty & sustainable development
4.Economy – Environment interdependence
5.The material balance perspective
Law of thermodynamics
Ecology (dose response relationship)
6.Limits to growth
Environmental limits to growth
Social limits to growth
7.Can economic growth improve the environment:- EKC
8.Population growth and the environment
  theory of demographic transition
  economics of population control
  the impact of population growth on the environment
Definition and measurement
The current extent of biodiversity
Biodiversity loss
Ref   UNDP,IBRD, UNEP Reports
  World Resource (1992) report
  Journal of Environmental and Development Economics
From modest beginnings in the 1960s, environmental economics has grown to be a major sub-discipline of economics. It combines traditional work in the field of welfare economics and the theory of economic growth with more recent perspectives on the political economy of choosing policy instruments and the philosophy of sustainable development. The central tenets are that environmental problems have their roots in the failure of economic systems to maximize human well-being, that environmental quality matters for human well-being and for more traditionally oriented economic growth objectives, and that efficient policy can be achieved through incentive design.
According to Callen and Thomas, “Environmental economics is defined as that part of economics which deals with interrelationship between environment  & economic development and studies the ways and means by which the former is not impaired nor the later is impeded”
Environmental economics is a distinct branch of economics that acknowledge the value of both the environment and economic activity and makes choice based on those values. The goal is to balance the economic activity and the environmental impacts by taking into account all the costs and benefits.
Environment economics is the distinct branch of economics which deals with policy perspective of scarce economics resources. It studies how economic analysis and tools can be applied to study environmental problem and solution.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


B.A. (HONS) Business Economics Semester VI – Paper XXIII & XXIV
Optional Paper: Group (II)
Marketing Research
The syllabus covers five broad areas of study in market research: Scope and Process, Research Design, Data Collection (Exploratory, Descriptive, and Causal), Sampling and Data Analysis
Major Objectives
To familiarize students with the role of Marketing Research in marketing decision making and to assist them in applying research to marketing issues; Specifically, to design, conduct, analyze, interpret and document a sound market research study. The Endeavour is to help the students develop a scientific approach to data collection and analysis. The student should be able to utilize this knowledge in conjunction with their understanding of consumer behaviour and statistics.
B.A. (HONS) Business Economics Semester VI – Paper XXIII & XXIV
Optional Paper: Group (II)
Marketing Research
The syllabus covers five broad areas of study in market research: Scope and Process, Research Design, Data Collection (Exploratory, Descriptive, and Causal), Sampling and Data Analysis
Major Objectives
To familiarize students with the role of Marketing Research in marketing decision making and to assist them in applying research to marketing issues; Specifically, to design, conduct, analyze, interpret and document a sound market research study. The Endeavour is to help the students develop a scientific approach to data collection and analysis. The student should be able to utilize this knowledge in conjunction with their understanding of consumer behaviour and statistics.

Main Reference: - Marketing Research by Aaker, Kumar and Day Publisher: Wiley and Sons, Seventh Edition
Nature, Importance and scope of Marketing Research; MR Process and Problem Formulation- from ch 1 & 2 of Aaker
                Research Design – ch 4
                Process of Data collection – ch 8, 11, 12 & 13
                Sampling – ch 14
Data analysis; ANOVA, Factor Analysis etc. – ch 16,17 & 18 for introduction, test of significance, Z test etc. page 532-545 for discriminant analysis, page 553-566 for factor analysis, ch 22 for perceptual mapping and conjoint analysis, Simple understanding of correlation and regression from ch 19
Indian context: overview of MR industry in India, Major Indian MR Agencies and Publications/ working of typical MR agency

Main Reference: - Marketing Research by Aaker, Kumar and Day Publisher: Wiley and Sons, Seventh Edition
Nature, Importance and scope of Marketing Research; MR Process and Problem Formulation- from ch 1 & 2 of Aaker
                Research Design – ch 4
                Process of Data collection – ch 8, 11, 12 & 13
                Sampling – ch 14
Data analysis; ANOVA, Factor Analysis etc. – ch 16,17 & 18 for introduction, test of significance, Z test etc. page 532-545 for discriminant analysis, page 553-566 for factor analysis, ch 22 for perceptual mapping and conjoint analysis, Simple understanding of correlation and regression from ch 19
Indian context: overview of MR industry in India, Major Indian MR Agencies and Publications/ working of typical MR agency


Environment Economics
B.A. (HONS) Business Economics Semester VI – Paper XXI                     Environmental Economics
Guidelines for paper XXI ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS formulated following the meeting held on 25th November 2009 for the sixth semester of 2009-2010
Unit 1 Environment & Development                                                                            (15 marks)
A.      Sustainable Economic Development
B.      Concept of  Sustainable Development
Readings: Perman et al: Natural Resources and Environmental Economics, Second Edition, Longman Publication, 1999. Chapter 2 & Chapter 3                                                                      
Unit 2 Externalities & Market Failure                                                                        (15 marks)
a.       Concept of externalities, Public Goods and Market Failure
b.       Economic Instruments
Readings: Perman et al: Natural Resources and Environmental Economics, Second Edition, Longman Publication, 1999. Chapter 6 & Chapter 12
Note: Sections 12.6, 12.7 and the matrix given on pg 324 may be excluded.                                
Unit 3 Economic Valuation                                                                                             (10 marks)
1.       Contingent Valuation Technique
2.       Travel Cost Method
3.       Hedonic Pricing
4.       Household Production Method- Defensive Expenditure
Readings:      i) Perman et al: Natural Resources and Environmental Economics, Second Edition, Longman Publication,1999. Chapter 14 (please exclude pg 394-396 and all boxes and tables) & include pg 402 (total WTP) and 405-412 (WTP OR WTA)
ii) Charles D. Kolstad: Environmental Economics, 2000- Oxford University Press. Chapter 17 – pages 337-341
Unit 4 Environmental Accounting                                                                 (10 marks)
Readings:              i) Ravindra N. Bhattacharya, (Edited): Environment Economics – An Indian Perspective, OUP, 2001- chapter 5 pg 170-172 and 179-188
ii) Perman et al: Natural Resources and Environmental Economics, Longman Publication, 1996 (First Edition) – chapter 14 – pg 362-372            
Unit 5 Environmental Regulation and Policies                                                        (10 marks)
a.       Environmental Regulation and Policies(Indian Context) – Ch 3 Ravindra N. Bhattacharya, (Edited): Environment Economics – An Indian Perspective, OUP, 2001
b.       Global Environmental Issues in particular reference to Climate Change
Readings:              i) Ravindra N. Bhattacharya, (Edited): Environment Economics – An Indian Perspective, OUP, 2001- chapter 3 pg 100-119
ii) Perman et al: Natural Resources and Environmental Economics, Longman Publication, 1999 (Second Edition) – chapter 13 – pg 337-346
iii) R. Kerry Turner, David Pearce and Ian Bateman: Environmental Economics:- An Elementary Introduction (1994) Harvester Wheat sheaf-     chapter 19 pg 267-279
Note:  Non mathematical is recommended