Tuesday, November 29, 2011



1. 1. Explain the evolution of development measure criteria. How HDI does represent a balanced and Holistic measure of development across countries? 5+5


Describe the structural change envisaged in developing countries growth process. 10

2. (A) Harrod-Domar growth model is a pioneer in development theory from Keynesian static model to dynamic growth model. Explain. 5

(B)Present a brief analysis of the process of economic expansion in a dual economy composed of a ‘Capitalist sector’ and ‘Non-capitalist’ sector. Bring out the ways through which benefits of rapid expansion of modern sector “trickled down” to bring prosperity to the traditional sector. 5


(A)In Solow neo-classical growth model irrespective of initial level of capital stock per person there is tendency of convergence of capital per person (k) with steady state level of capital per person (k*). Explain. 5

(B)Diagrammatically explain the role of labour augmenting technical progress in Solow model. How technical progress does affects steady state of an economy having different level of investment rate? 5

3. (A)The divergence between social and private benefits and costs can lead to a misallocation of resources when private interests supersede social investment criteria. Explain with suitable diagram. 5

(B)The educational systems of many developing nations sometimes act to increase rather than decrease income inequalities. Comment. 5


(A) Critically evaluate the different approaches to tackle child labour in developing countries. 5

(B)The educational gender gap or discrimination against women hinders economic development in addition to reinforcing social inequality. Explain. 5

4. What is technical progress? Differentiate between various classification of technical progress proposed by the work of great economists Harrod, Hicks and Solow. 2+8


(A)Inflation has been a powerful stimulant to growth through the favourable effect of excess demand on profits, saving and investment. Explain. 5

(B)What are the inherent dangers of unbalanced growth model? 5

5. How does trade acts as an engine of growth? Discuss the role of export promotion and import substitution policy in the economic development of LDCs. 5+5


Explain the role of foreign aid in the economic development of developing countries? The fluctuations in capital flows to developing country required a cautious FDI policy dedicated to economic development of developing nations. Comment. 5+5

6. ‘Choice of an optimum combination between capital and labour is most fundamental to the design of industrialization ’.Discuss. 10


Big push strategy has been detrimental to industrial development of countries which are trapped in low equilibrium. Explain. 10

7. (A) Outline the factors which affect the ability and willingness to save. 5

(B) What do you understand by market failure? 5


Financial liberalization did not give desired results in developing countries as regards to saving, investment and growth. Critically evaluate. 10

8. Write short note on any two5*2

(a) Vicious circle of poverty

(b) Unconditional convergence

(c) Listian Trap

(d) Endogenous vs. Exogenous variables in growth model

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Assignment Topics Final Year Student

Describe structural characteristics of the selected country. How it differ from common characteristics of developing countries. Calculate the value of HDI (separately for EAI, PCI & LEI) of selected country for the year 2010 using the data available on the link given below.


Name of Student - Country

Anuradha Kapoor - Brazil

Ashwathi Muralidharan - South Africa

Avishkar Surana - Bangladesh

Chayanika Pandey - South Korea

Deepa Janakiraman - Iran

Gagan Deep Kohli - Indonesia

Gagan Deep Singh - Singapore

Harpreet Singh Arora - Taiwan

Hemant Kumar - Iraq

Himanshu Kumar - Kenya

Khyati Mehandiratta - Egypt

Krithika Moorthy - Nigeria

Kushal Gupta -Colombia

Meenakshi - Argentina

Navneet Sachdeva - Ukraine

Neeraj Kumar - Namibia

Nikhil Malhotra - Chile

Nikita Sagar - Malaysia

Nishtha Jain - Thailand

Prachi Pandey - Sri Lanka

Pratima Varma - Nepal

Prerna Swaroop - China

Ravinder Nagar - Peru

Rishav Jaiswal - Mexico

Sahil Gupta - Morocco

Shilpa Baweja - Zimbabwe

Shorya Bhutani - Myanmar

Shruti Bindal - Saudi Arabia

Surya Kapoor - Venezuela

Vibhor Sharma - Ecuador

Digant - Bhutan

Student may please note that the assignment should be in the 2000-2500 word limit. You have option to submit assignment either soft formant via e-mail or print out on or before 17 October, 2011.

last date of submission- Monday 17 October, 2011 12:30 PM. Assignment submitted after last date wouldn't be accepted.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Question Paper Internal Exam 2011 BBA IInd Year

Maharaja Agrasen College/ Department of Business Economics / Paper 302 Industrial Economics / B.A. (Hons) IIIrd Semester Internal Exam.

Time: 2:00 hours Maximum Marks: 25

Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1.Write short notes on any two:2½ *2
a) Differentiate between Industrial Economics & Micro-economics
b) Concentration Curve
c) HHI
d) New Industrial Economics
2.Briefly discuss the major characteristics of Chicago School of Thought. How it diverge from mainstream industrial economics to explain the persistence of monopoly power?4+ 1
3.Calculate the value of CR4 and HHI from the data given below:2 + 3

4.Classify the following elements into basic conditions, market structure, conduct and performance:-½ *10
Number of sellers and buyers, pricing bahaviour, Barriers to entry, Product strategy, Production and Allocative efficiency, Technology, Research and innovation, Technical progress, Product differentiation, Unionization
5.What is Lorenz Curve? Critically explain the Gini coefficient as a measure of market concentration. 1 + 4
6.Critically evaluate the role of scale economics as the primary theory of determination of market concentration. 5
7.Delineate the difference between absolute and inequality measure of market concentration. What are the characteristics of an ideal index of market concentration? 3+2

Question Paper Internal Exam 2011 BBA IIIrd Year

Maharaja Agrasen College/ Department of Business Economics / Paper XVIII Economic Policy & Comparative Development / B.A. (Hons) Vth Semester Internal Exam.

Time: 2:00 hours Maximum Marks: 25

Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

  1. Write short notes on any two: 2½ *2
a) Vicious circle of poverty
b) Common characteristics of developing countries
c) Endogenous and Exogenous variable in development model
d) Brain Drain
  1. Briefly discuss the major structural characteristics of Developing Countries. How does demographic structure of developing countries differ from developed nations? 4 + 1
  2. 3. Irrespective of initial capital stock there is tendency to converge at steady state in the Solow Growthmodel.Explain. 5
  3. Lewis model of unlimited supply of labour offer a way forward for the development of traditional sector in developing countries. Explain. 5
  4. Critically evaluate the different approach to measure development across countries. Outline the merits and demerits of HDI approach to measure development world –wide? 5
  5. Explain the process of capital accumulation in Solow model. How does change in investment affects steady state in Solow model? 3+2
  6. What is the ultimate objective of development? Explain the idea put-forward by Amartya Sencapability approach to development. 1+4
  7. Harrod – Domar model is a breakthrough in development theory from Keynesian static model to dynamic model of development. Explain. 5

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Question Paper Year 2010 BBE 3rd Year (Economic Policy & Comparative Development)


Question Paper 2010

1. 1.‘Despite country specification, any development policy must have a set of core objective.’ Discuss. 10

2. 2.Can East Asian growth be explained in terms of Solow Model? 10

3. 3.Discuss the main characteristics of educational investment. 10

4. 4.What factors determine the capacity and willingness to save? 10

5. 5.What do you understand by the term technical progress? How does the Hicksian classification differ from Harrod’s classification of technical progress? 10

6. 6.‘Human capital formation is the key to generation of ideas.’ Discuss in the context of endogenous growth theory. 10

7. 7.Discuss the costs and benefits of FDI to developing countries. 10

8. 8.Write short notes on any tow of the followings:

i) Balanced growth v/s Unbalanced growth

ii) Capital – Output ratio

iii) Causes of market failure

iv) Lewis model